Thursday, January 22, 2015

what is doing now!

some times I get my ideas from others blogs and that is definitely the case today. Thanks to Carole at Carole Knits for the inspiration,

Reading . . . I am just starting the current most recent book in the Last Chance series by Hope Ramsey, and then I have a stack of Sheila Roberts to work on
Watching . . . Between reruns of Star Trek Next Generation, 2 1/2 Men, Friends and my soaps the only new thing I am watching is THE CELEBRITY NAME GAME 
Cooking . . . I miss cooking but I just can't stand long enough to put a meal together so I am enjoying what Tom makes for me.  I thought last night's dinner was savory and delicious and he thought it was lacking sweetness.  I am a little concerned about him and his health
Learning . . .To knit with cables, more then one 2/2 LC or 2/2 RC, its fun, not something I do everyday but I am enjoying it
Listening . . CBS 101.1 on the car radio
Drinking . . . Water and Tea, my mainstays in life, I haven't had a martini since Tom gave up drinking--I do miss them a wee bit
Writing . . . Blog posts and answering e mails 
Playing . . . Mahjong Trails
Loving . . . my new apartment, structurally its the same yet it is so different. 
Bragging . . . about my wonderful grandchildren, they amaze me and keep me smiling 
Laughing . . .the latest parody commercial on the radio called Ballgate, and is trying to sell you Ball-i-gra
Knitting . . the table runner in cotton for the coffee table
Planning . . . some down the line knitting projects----I have to just add here, I truly wish that I could pick a pattern and buy the yarn suggested just once, instead of trying to figure out substitutes.  But I can not wrap my head around paying upwards of 200$ for yarn for a scarf.
Anticipating a possible big snow storm over the weekend, hope it winds up like last nights a big fizzle, I don't get out much but I hate being confined because of weather issues like last Sunday's ice storm. 
Wishing...good health and happiness to those who touch my heart every day


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